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I.      Call to order 6:00 p.m.

II.     Approval of minutes from the August 8, 2005 meeting.

III.    Public Hearings  
        Conditional Use Permit Application
        NAME: Thomas Savage
        LOCATION: 1265 Main Street, Somesville
        TAX MAP: 9  LOT: 106  ZONE:  R2
        PURPOSE: Amendment to existing CUP # 19-2003
        Site Inspection: 4:00 PM

Subdivision Application

IV.     Unfinished Business

NAME: Mikel DeAngelis
LOCATION: Blanchard Road, Somesville
TAX MAP:  9  LOT:  12  ZONE:  R1
PURPOSE: Subdivision Completeness Review

V.      New Business

NAME: Carroll G. Fernald
LOCATION: 6 Chauncey Somes Lane, Somesville
TAX MAP:  10  LOT:  89  ZONE:  VR2
PURPOSE: Subdivision Sketch Plan Review
Site Inspection: 4:30 PM

NAME: Nancy Ho/ Somes Sound Subdivision
LOCATION: Sound Drive, Mt. Desert
TAX MAP: 8      LOT: 39 ZONE: R1
PURPOSE: To amend existing language in approved restrictive covenants.

VI.     Discussion/ Ordinance Changes
        A.      Sydney Roberts- Rockefeller
To discuss the Great Harbor Museum status and future use with the Planning Board and the Comprehensive Plan Committee, as requested by the Board of Selectman.

VI.     Adjournment
The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Sea Street, Northeast Harbor at 6:00 p.m., September 26, 2005

Site Inspections:
                        4:00    Savage
                        4:30    Fernald